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Cohen to Participate in Upcoming Statewide Ethics Conference

Linda Cohen will be participating in the upcoming statewide ethics conference: “When Less Is Better: Ethical Issues in the Use of Health Care Resources” featuring Howard Brody, MD, PhD.  This day-long conference will be presented by the Vermont Ethics Network on September 19, 2012 at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont.  Linda will serve as a panelist responding to Dr. Brody’s keynote presentation from the legal perspective—specifically with regard to defensive medicine and its impact on health care costs.

Zdatny Presents at Vermont Paralegal Organization

Sophie Zdatny presented a seminar on the importance of effective legal writing, do’s and don’ts in preparing motions and appellate briefs, formatting and citation issues, as well as words of wisdom from local judges.

Nolan Does Two Presentations at Nationally-Broadcast Symposium

On March 28, 2012, Jeff Nolan of Dinse’s Higher Education Practice Group did two presentations at the Sixth Annual North Carolina Higher Education Safety Symposium, which combined an on-site audience and a live-streamed web cast. The first, which addressed standards of care and best practices for campus threat assessment teams, was viewed by approximately 3,850 participants on over 80 campuses, in addition to the on-site audience. The second, which addressed what campuses should be doing to better respond to sexual violence issues on campus, was viewed by approximately 3,000 people on over 60 campuses. Web-archived recordings of the presentations are available here (campus threat assessment) and here (sexual violence response).

Nolan Speaks on Electronic Discovery Issues

On March 21, 2012, Jeff Nolan of Dinse’s Higher Education Practice Group did a presentation at a National Association of College and University Attorneys conference in Seattle, Washington on how colleges and universities should prepare to address their obligations to preserve and produce electronically stored information in the event of litigation.

Cohen to Conduct Trainings for the Vermont Health Care Association

Linda Cohen of the Healthcare Practice Group will be conducting two trainings for the Vermont Health Care Association. Both trainings will be on a new independent review and appeal mechanism, passed as part of the Affordable Care Act, for deficiencies found at nursing facilities by the Department of Aging and Independent Living as a result of their survey process. The first training will be for members of the Independent Informal Dispute Resolution panel who will be conducting the review. The second training will be for nursing home professionals who might appear before the panel to appeal future surveys. For a copy of the presentation, click here.

For more information, please contact Linda Cohen at or at (802) 859-7011.

Cole Teaches Online Course for the National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA)

December 14, 2011. Leigh Cole taught an online course for the National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA) on immigration law for colleges and universities, with fellow NACUA member Michael Pfahl, Associate Counsel at Kent State University. The course was designed for attorneys, paralegals and international education professionals seeking a foundational understanding of immigration for students and scholars and employment-based immigration on campus. The course was presented in November and December.

Nolan Speaks at National Employment Law Conference

On November 18, 2011, Jeff Nolan co-presented a session at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas, NV. Jeff’s portion of the session, titled “Handling Unique ADA Issues,” focused on employee mental health issues, and on strategies for addressing employee misconduct that is caused by a disability. Jeff also participated in a panel discussion of current ADA and FMLA issues.

Nolan Presents on Campus Threat Assessment Issues at National Symposium

On November 11, 2011, Jeff Nolan presented a seminar at the ACPA’s Senior Student Affairs Officer Symposium in Washington D.C. The seminar, titled “Campus Threat Assessment and Management in 2011: What You Need to Know Now.” Jeff’s comments addressed current standards of care and best practices for developing campus threat assessment teams, and also covered recent issues related to revisions in the standards to be applied where a student may present a threat to him or herself.